
kilogram force मीनिंग इन हिंदी

kilogram force उदाहरण वाक्य
डाउनलोड Hindlish App

उदाहरण वाक्य

  1. Junpim's second-place snatch lift of 97.5 kilograms forced countrywoman Polsak Udomporn to lift 100 kilograms to win the event.
  2. Junpim's second-place snatch lift of 97 . 5 kilograms forced countrywoman Polsak Udomporn to lift 100 kilograms to win the event.
  3. An evacuated bottle is subject to the force of air pressure outside, which is not infinite : at sea level it is about one kilogram force per square centimetre or 15 pounds force per square inch.
  4. Assuming the third CGPM ( 1901, CR 70 ) definition of standard gravity, " g " n = 9.80665 m / s 2, is used to define the pound-force as well as the kilogram force, and the international avoirdupois pound ( 1959 ), one mechanical horsepower is:

के आस-पास के शब्द

  1. kilocycle
  2. kilocytic anaemia
  3. kilogram
  4. kilogram calorie
  5. kilogram equivalent
  6. kilogram force meter
  7. kilogram weight
  8. kilogramme
  9. kilohertz
PC संस्करण

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